I broke my wait for the complete series rule to read [b:Real Ugly|17869239|Real Ugly (Hard Rock Roots, #1)|C.M. Stunich|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1370406934s/17869239.jpg|25017478] because the blurb sounded awesome. And, even though I have been stuck with 2 cliffhangers, I can't be too angry. Turns out both of these books are fantastic. When I read rockstar romances, they often feel too....clean. This book has sex, drugs, & rock & roll and does not apologize for it. The characters party hard, but this isn't treated as a major problem to be overcome. It's just a back drop for the actual story. Turner & Naomi are people with terrible pasts.....and their behavior mirrors that. They are far from perfect and I love them for it. It makes their love story all the more special. I'm going to check out the rest of this author's work, because these books are special. I eagerly await the third book, at least the wait wasn't too long between the first 2. I'm hoping that's the case for the 3rd.